Wednesday, December 12, 2007

what will happen

If the powers that be in charge right now get their way, everyone of us will be chipped and follow the leader like fools. It's amazing to think that all of this control has been given to a small group of greedy people. How have we allowed ourselves to become so dependent on something which is utterly intangible and has no value except what value we place on it??? We have allowed ourselves and our world to be extorted and destroyed and enslaved by an idea that we are superior because we can make things and use money. Our consumerism fills the pockets of the already too rich for words and destroys our very planet by increasingly demanding more from it and burying the toxic waste of built in obsolescence within the very core of our survival; the earth. Will we ever learn that it is not money or material goods which define us, but our respect for all life and our ability to live in harmony with all things. The center of our beings should not be one of greed or obsolescence, but generosity and harmony. This we cannot have with our present situation, our present coarse is one of destruction to all things.......including our own.

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