Thursday, December 20, 2007

Inter connectedness

It is interesting just how connected everything is, the ecology, the economy, politics, religion, and money. They are actually inseparable. The bankers, who have interest in every corporation, want you to buy things so that you can become a debt slave. So when we buy things we become a member of a social order or system. We become dependent on those things and on others producing the things we need to survive. Which all cycles back through. Meanwhile, we strip the earth of all of its natural resources and refill it with toxic waste. This makes it more difficult for the earth to continue to produce the things we need to survive thereby driving the cost of things through the roof. The only ones to profit from this situation is the bankers. When you have all the money, you have all the power. There will always be people willing to sell out their peers for a profit and to have control over others. By the way, Native Americans didn't have bankers and didn't leave a very big foot print on the earth. Why live as a debt slave with a lower standard of life style and lower quality food and water? Just to have modern conveniences? Is it really worth the loss of freedom and nature?? Nature is the definition of free. It cannot be chained for long without having serious repercussions on every living thing within that environment. Nothing is beyond it because we all belong to it, it does not belong to us. There is a lot more in this area to say it is like a web, follow one strand and it leads to another, pull on one and you affect a lot more.

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