Thursday, December 6, 2007

What is fascism continued

The Federal Reserve Act gave the elite banking families at the time, the Rockefellers, Morgans, Warburgs, Rothchilds, a privately owned and operated banking system not supervised or regulated by the US government. These self proclaimed provocateurs of our monetary system found themselves in total control of all the wealth of the US and they were not afraid to flex their financial muscles to get their way. They control Government officials, even up to the White House. They removed the gold standard from the dollar and brought about it's inevitable destruction. By doing that they then had the power to confiscate all the gold and horde it for themselves. They have created the collapse of the economics of America starting with the orchestrated Great Depression of the 1930's and continuing on to now when the threat of a total global economic crash looms in the not too distant future. All to control and manipulate the people of the world for their own personal satisfaction while the rest of humanity is left rotting in the waste of a consumer driven economy.

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