Wednesday, January 23, 2008

central destruction

The bankers, using the Federal Reserve are systematically destroying the American dollar and free commerce. When they removed the gold standard in 1933-1974 they effectively ruined the free trade of our nation. Whenever a country has a Central bank, the bankers become the masters of the country. They will control the flow of money, the policies of the government and the integrity (or lack there of)  and honesty of the media. Don't be fooled by partisan groups in gov. claiming to be our saviors, the truth is that those groups where generally created to divide the people. A people divided is much easier to control and manipulated than a united people standing firm and tall for freedom. The founding fathers adamantly deplored they idea of a central bank and fought against the establishment of one for that very reason. They knew that freedoms would be lost if such an entity were created. Our founding fathers were indeed correct. 

The failure of the fiat

It is not very well known to the American people that the Federal Reserve is an illegal private corporation, ran by independent bankers which form the banking cartel. It is also not well known that these bankers have created a system that is not backed up by gold or silver and that they create money out of thin air. This is known as Fiat banking. I give the bank $20 in real gold they then can lend out $2000 dollars to other people. Which immediately creates debt. The only way to pay the debt is by creating more money. Which in the long run causes inflation. The Federal Reserve also loans out the money it creates out of thin air to the American Gov. at interest. So now you see the plan? The bankers want to own everything and everyone and no stone will be left unturned. This is also why the American economy is failing and the Fed is orchestrating its destruction

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Inter connectedness

It is interesting just how connected everything is, the ecology, the economy, politics, religion, and money. They are actually inseparable. The bankers, who have interest in every corporation, want you to buy things so that you can become a debt slave. So when we buy things we become a member of a social order or system. We become dependent on those things and on others producing the things we need to survive. Which all cycles back through. Meanwhile, we strip the earth of all of its natural resources and refill it with toxic waste. This makes it more difficult for the earth to continue to produce the things we need to survive thereby driving the cost of things through the roof. The only ones to profit from this situation is the bankers. When you have all the money, you have all the power. There will always be people willing to sell out their peers for a profit and to have control over others. By the way, Native Americans didn't have bankers and didn't leave a very big foot print on the earth. Why live as a debt slave with a lower standard of life style and lower quality food and water? Just to have modern conveniences? Is it really worth the loss of freedom and nature?? Nature is the definition of free. It cannot be chained for long without having serious repercussions on every living thing within that environment. Nothing is beyond it because we all belong to it, it does not belong to us. There is a lot more in this area to say it is like a web, follow one strand and it leads to another, pull on one and you affect a lot more.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

what will happen

If the powers that be in charge right now get their way, everyone of us will be chipped and follow the leader like fools. It's amazing to think that all of this control has been given to a small group of greedy people. How have we allowed ourselves to become so dependent on something which is utterly intangible and has no value except what value we place on it??? We have allowed ourselves and our world to be extorted and destroyed and enslaved by an idea that we are superior because we can make things and use money. Our consumerism fills the pockets of the already too rich for words and destroys our very planet by increasingly demanding more from it and burying the toxic waste of built in obsolescence within the very core of our survival; the earth. Will we ever learn that it is not money or material goods which define us, but our respect for all life and our ability to live in harmony with all things. The center of our beings should not be one of greed or obsolescence, but generosity and harmony. This we cannot have with our present situation, our present coarse is one of destruction to all things.......including our own.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

What is fascism continued

The Federal Reserve Act gave the elite banking families at the time, the Rockefellers, Morgans, Warburgs, Rothchilds, a privately owned and operated banking system not supervised or regulated by the US government. These self proclaimed provocateurs of our monetary system found themselves in total control of all the wealth of the US and they were not afraid to flex their financial muscles to get their way. They control Government officials, even up to the White House. They removed the gold standard from the dollar and brought about it's inevitable destruction. By doing that they then had the power to confiscate all the gold and horde it for themselves. They have created the collapse of the economics of America starting with the orchestrated Great Depression of the 1930's and continuing on to now when the threat of a total global economic crash looms in the not too distant future. All to control and manipulate the people of the world for their own personal satisfaction while the rest of humanity is left rotting in the waste of a consumer driven economy.

The meaning of fascism

So what is the meaning of fascism. It means that you loose all of your freedoms and have nothing left. Which is truly what we have here and now. When the government takes the initiative to remove certain rights that were given to the people of America by the Constitution, it is a sign that we are heading for a disasterous situation from which the only avenue is rebellion. The end of our free America began in 1913 when an illegal and corrupt group of men seized power over the banking system by creating the Federal Reserve.

Friday, November 16, 2007

TMOF contiunued

What else do we mean by freedom. Lets judgement, individuality personified, art, free to create without censorship, free speech, free religious practice (no sacrifices), rights to keep and bare arms, privacy, no prejudices or persecutions against anyone and so many others that have subsequently been threatened by proclamations posing as security measures.
As an artist, it is most important to have a free world to explore. Freedom is essential to the growth of humanity and understanding the harmony of our living world. To understand the dynamic relationship of all life on our beautiful planet. Artists are free thinking people and therefore a threat to any organization which would desire to control a populous. As an example, after Hitler moved into power in 1939 he rounded up all the college students in Germany, artists, writers, photographers etc. and students of other disciplines were considered undesirable and sent to labor camps. This very thing is happening in a small way right now; are we now being coached on what to say and what is acceptable, even down to our religious practices? Many feel prejudiced against because they don't follow the "accepted" religion of Christianity. Doesn't our constitution give us freedom from religious persecution? We now also have free speech zones. Why?? And we are not allowed to freely question a candidate on their suspicious actions or words. Aren't they supposed to answer to us?? They are the public servants. To add to this, Police brutality and strong arming have gotten way out of hand. They are also public servants. So, I ask a simple question; when and where did they become more powerful than the people of this country. Its time we took our power back.