Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The meaning of Freedom

The meaning of Freedom

Freedom has always been an elusive dream; or has it? We must understand that true freedom must sacrifice certain amenities that we may otherwise be unwilling to give up. Technology, how ever wonderful it may be, is the first step to a way of slavery. It may free up somethings but it so controls and manipulates our environment and our time that true freedom is lost. It brings about nations, borders, commerce and economy, greed to acquire more land wealth etc. and sets up parameters by which it becomes easier to control and manipulate a mass of people who simply want a good life for them and their children. It sets up a system of class, or a caste society, which establishes a hierarchy of those who have and those who work so that those who have can have more.

But TRUE freedom is not given by the whim of men, it is given to us by nature. Everything that exists on this earth comes from the earth; and the things we really need have always been free. Water, food, shelter and the tools we need to survive are, and always have been and always will be the property of the thing which produced them in the first place, the earth. We are merely renters of this wonderful environment for the short span of our lives. How is it that our ego has grown so enormous as to think we can own anything or anyone?? That is a self delusional attitude that is begging for psychiatric treatment. The elements people place importance on today are shallow, insignificant, self absorbed ego boosts. They don't precieve the damage or long term effects to their follies, they are only concerned with whats in it for them. Which actually makes them easy targets for those who are looking for willing participants in their own enslavement. It boils down to, what are you willing to do for your freedom, or do you want freedom at all? Are you satisfied to have others call the shots for how you live your life and what you can do with your life?? or do you truly want to be free??? Freedom gives no false sense of security, it will always be under attack from those who want to rule you, and from places you thought were safe. In conclusion these statements still hold true to this day; "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." and "Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither freedom nor security."

Michael Bret Chadwick

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