Wednesday, January 23, 2008

central destruction

The bankers, using the Federal Reserve are systematically destroying the American dollar and free commerce. When they removed the gold standard in 1933-1974 they effectively ruined the free trade of our nation. Whenever a country has a Central bank, the bankers become the masters of the country. They will control the flow of money, the policies of the government and the integrity (or lack there of)  and honesty of the media. Don't be fooled by partisan groups in gov. claiming to be our saviors, the truth is that those groups where generally created to divide the people. A people divided is much easier to control and manipulated than a united people standing firm and tall for freedom. The founding fathers adamantly deplored they idea of a central bank and fought against the establishment of one for that very reason. They knew that freedoms would be lost if such an entity were created. Our founding fathers were indeed correct. 

The failure of the fiat

It is not very well known to the American people that the Federal Reserve is an illegal private corporation, ran by independent bankers which form the banking cartel. It is also not well known that these bankers have created a system that is not backed up by gold or silver and that they create money out of thin air. This is known as Fiat banking. I give the bank $20 in real gold they then can lend out $2000 dollars to other people. Which immediately creates debt. The only way to pay the debt is by creating more money. Which in the long run causes inflation. The Federal Reserve also loans out the money it creates out of thin air to the American Gov. at interest. So now you see the plan? The bankers want to own everything and everyone and no stone will be left unturned. This is also why the American economy is failing and the Fed is orchestrating its destruction